International Assessment Frameworks like PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS
Singapore's commitment to educational excellence is highlighted by its participation in three major international studies: PIRLS, TIMSS, and PISA. Notably, in the 2015 PISA, often called the "World Cup for Education," Singapore's 15-year-olds ranked first globally in mathematics, science, and reading. This achievement in science came with three key insights into science learning and teaching. This sharing will explore these questions, drawing lessons from Singapore’s success to enhance teacher development, foster a love for science in students, and empower them to apply their knowledge to real-world challenges.
- What are these three key findings in Singapore’s participation of PISA 2015?
- How do these findings impact students' science learning and inform professional development for science teachers
This sharing will explore these questions, drawing lessons from Singapore’s success to enhance teacher development, foster a love for science in students,
and empower them to apply their knowledge to real-world challenges.