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home based learning

Better tools for a richer home learning experience

Home-based learning brings new challenges for both educators and learners. Our array of content and technology is designed to support educators with online learning and for students to get the best out of home learning.

We provide a range of ready-made resources including worksheets, lesson planning tools, videos, mini-games, self-marking tests and assessments that can be customised to conduct effective online lessons.


A girl is using a laptop
Comes with an extensive selection of resources to keep learning fun and stimulating.
a girl is having a real-time interaction with teachers
Allows for real-time interaction with teachers and peers.
A group of students are having discussion
Encourages self-directed learning through quizzes which inform students of their results immediately.

An array of content for the best of home learning

Looking for Parents' Resources? 

Our parents’ resources are now hosted on MCEduHub. Please click here to find out how you can access the resources.

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