Global Vlog Competition 2023

About the Competition 关于比赛

In collaboration with the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL), MCE launches our first online short-form video production competition for students aged 7 to 14 all around the world. The MCE x SCCL Global Vlog Competition 2023 aims to improve the oral expression skills of Chinese language students and encourage students to develop a spirit of collaboration and stimulating students’ love for the Chinese language.

名创教育与新加坡华文教研中心合力推出《我们是小网红 2023》线上学生短视频制作比赛。我们旨在提高学生的口语表达能力,鼓励学生发挥协作精神,从而激发学生对华文华语的热爱。比赛开放给所有7-14岁的学生。


Improve students’ Chinese speaking skills


Enhance students’ digital and media literacy competencies

Prestigious record

Add this prestigious record to student’s portfolio

Congratulations to our winners!

Awards Ceremony

Junior Level 少年组

Gold 冠军

Sasinarin Asavasuthirakul and Darunphorn Radtanapanya
TCE International School, Thailand

Silver 亚军

Huang Xian Ling
Little Sun School, Indonesia

Bronze 季军

Dominique Allegra Harjono and Rhea Faith Sartono
Sekola Ciputra, Indonesia

Top Country Winner 最佳国家获奖者

  • Huang Xian Ling
    Little Sun School, Indonesia
  • Ooi Zhi Theng (Olivia), Eleena Eng Yue En and Soon Rong Xi
    Axcel International School, Malaysia
  • Sasinarin Asavasuthirakul and Darunphorn Radtanapanya
    TCE International School, Thailand

Merit 优异奖

  • Aura Zahra Yiennamau
    Sekolah Terpadu Pahoa, Indonesia
  • Edlynn Idriana Jap
    Scholar Tuition Centre, Indonesia
  • Moses Poi Chun Yui and Cho Yong Xin
    Axcel International School, Malaysia
  • Nathan Lim Kai Xuan and Feng Yuxuan
    Tenby International School Setia Eco Garden, Malaysia
  • Ooi Zhi Theng (Olivia), Eleena Eng Yue En and Soon Rong Xi
    Axcel International School, Malaysia
  • Soon Rong Luo, Shermaine Ng Jia Qi and Hooi En Ling
    Axcel International School, Malaysia

Youth Level 青少年组

Gold 冠军

Nawapas Leepakorn
Satitprasarnmit International Programme (SPIP), Thailand

Silver 亚军

Ernest Wang and Charlene Chaitra
Sekolah Terpadu Pahoa, Indonesia

Bronze 季军

Wong Hao Kit and Dylan Teoh Jun Xi
Axcel International School, Malaysia

Top Country Winner 最佳国家获奖者

  • Ernest Wang and Charlene Chaitra
    Sekolah Terpadu Pahoa, Indonesia
  • Wong Hao Kit and Dylan Teoh Jun Xi
    Axcel International School, Malaysia
  • Nawapas Leepakorn
    Satitprasarnmit International Programme (SPIP), Thailand

Merit 优异奖

  • Agustina Tanadi and Carolin Aprilia Tjhin
    Singapore Intercultural Schools Kelapa Gading-NEJ, Indonesia
  • Indra Viriya Rahardjo and Wu Jing Fei
    Sekolah Terpadu Pahoa, Indonesia
  • Janice Calista
    Jakarta Nanyang School, Indonesia
  • Jazzibiyya Sulaiman
    Tenby Schools Setia Eco Gardens, Johor Malaysia
  • Joline Elizabeth Gunawan, Joanna Supian and Shannon Vivian Lim
    Merlion School, Surabaya Indonesia
  • Jovinna Eleora
    Jakarta Nanyang School, Indonesia
  • Lin Han Yue
    Merlion School, Surabaya Indonesia
  • Priscilla Naomi Susanto and Valerie Leah Susanto
    Singapore Intercultural Schools Kelapa Gading-NEJ, Indonesia
  • Wang Jiayi
    Jakarta Nanyang School, Indonesia
  • Weng Hanxi
    Jakarta Nanyang School, Indonesia
  • Yu Shi Han and Theresia Yeonia Qiu
    Sekolah Ciputra PYP, Indonesia

Top School Winner 最佳学校参与奖

Axcel International School

Jakarta Nanyang School


Junior Level Gold Winner 少年组冠军

Congrats to our Junior Level Gold Award winners of the MCE x SCCL Global Vlog Competition! Winning Team: Sasinarin Asavasuthirakul and Darunphorn Radtanapanya, TCE International School, Thailand

Youth Level Gold Winner 青少年组冠军

Congrats to our Youth Level Gold Award winner of the MCE x SCCL Global Vlog Competition! Winning Team: Nawapas Leepakorn, Satitprasarnmit International Programme (SPIP), Thailand

Theme: I Love Learning Chinese
比赛主题: 我爱学华文

All contestants are required to submit a video in Chinese based on the competition theme.

Learn Chinese

Competition Categories

Junior: 7 – 10 years old
Youth: 11 – 14 years old


少年组:7 - 10岁
青少年组:11 – 14 岁

Competition Fee

SGD 30 (Individual)
SGD 60 (Team of 2)
SGD 90 (Team of 3)


SGD 30(个人)
SGD 60(2 人团队)
SGD 90(3 人团队)

Registration 报名

Registration closes on 30 September 2023.

You will receive a confirmation email from Kalodu via your registered email. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your junk, or spam mailbox.

Once you are ready to submit your video, please complete the Entry Submission Form:

注册将于 2023 年 9 月 30 日截止。

您将通过您的注册电子邮件收到来自 Kalodu 的确认电邮。如果您没有收到确认电子邮件,请检查您的垃圾邮件或垃圾邮件邮箱。


MCE x SCCL_1080x1080

MCE x SCCL Global Vlog Competition 2023
《我们是小网红 2023》


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Competition Timeline

Registration Start Date
15 July 2023 (Saturday)
1 August 2023 (Tuesday) to 30 September 2023 (Saturday)

Submission Date

Results Announcement
20 October 2023 (Friday)
1 November 2023 (Wednesday)
Issue Certificates




Judging Criteria 评选标准

1. Thematic content and creativity 主题内容与创意 (40%)

  • The theme is clearly reflected in the video.
  • The video must be original and contains lively dialogue in Chinese.
  • The video is creative, content-rich, and age-appropriate for students.

  • 主题明确。
  • 参赛视频须为原创。 包含生动的华语对话。
  • 内容丰富,且有创意,符合学生的年龄特点。

2. Linguistic expression 语言表述 (40%)

  • Participant’s use of accurate, standard Chinese.
  • Participants present in vivid language, clear speech, and smooth delivery.

  • 使用标准的华文、华语。
  • 语言文字生动、有感染力,语音清晰洪亮,表达顺畅自然。

3. Video production 视频制作 (20%)

  • Smooth and clear video.
  • Good video production: great colour and stability.

  • 视频流畅,清晰完整。
  • 视频色彩效果良好,拍摄稳定性高。

Awards & Prizes 奖项

Top 3 Winners (Junior/Youth Category)

The top 3 groups with the best content will be awarded an Amazon gift card worth USD 30 - 100.
内容最佳的前 3 组将获得价值 30 - 100 美金的电子礼券。

Top Country Winners 最佳国家获奖者

Top winners from each participating country will be awarded an Amazon gift card worth USD 30.
每个参赛国家的最佳获奖者将获得价值 30 美金的电子礼券。

Top School Winner 最佳学校参与奖

The school with the highest number of submissions will be awarded.

Merit 优异奖

All remaining contestants will be awarded the merit award.

A certificate of participation will be awarded to all students.

video requirements

Video Requirements 作品要求

  • Language: Chinese (Topics, content introduction and dialogues must be in Chinese)
  • Duration: Max. 3 mins
  • Format: HD MP4
  • Please upload your video on a cloud file sharing platform (e.g. Google Drive, OneDrive).
  • File Name Format: Name_School Name_Title of Video (e.g. Amy Tan_ABC Primary School_华文我最行).
  • For contestants participating in teams, you may indicate the name of the team lead in the file name.
Suggested Ideas: Through their video submission, participants can share how they learn the Chinese language, any interesting experiences learning the language, or even provide a reflection on one of the topics covered in the Huanle Huoban textbooks.

  • 语言:华文、华语(题目、内容介绍及对话须使用华文、华语)。
  • 视频时长:3 分钟以内
  • 视频格式:高清 MP4
  • 请将您的视频上传到云端共享平台(例如:Google Drive、OneDrive)。 
  • 文件格式:姓名_学校_视频标题(例如:Amy Tan_ABC小学_华文我最行) 
  • 团体参赛的组别,您可以在文件名中注明队长的姓名。
entry submission

Entry Submission 作品提交

All contestants are required to submit the Entry Submission Form.

Before you submit the form, please ensure that you have the following information:
  1. Video Submission URL 
  2. Video Introduction (50-100 words)
  3. Signed PDPA Consent Forms* (For all children who appeared in your submitted video)
  4. Kalodu Order Number
所有参赛组都需填写一 份作品提交表格..

  1. 视频提交链接 
  2. 视频简介(50-100字)
  3. 签署的 PDPA 同意书*(适用于出现在您提交的视频中的所有儿童)
  4. Kalodu 订单号 

Participation Requirements 参赛对象及组队原则

  • This competition is aimed at students aged between 7 – 14 years old.
  • Students can choose to participate individually or in teams of 2 or 3.
  • There are 2 competition categories. Please select the registration group according to the oldest member in your group.
    Junior Category: 7 – 10 years old
    Youth Category: 11 – 14 years old
  • Each student is limited to submit one video and can only appear in one video.
  • Participants can be of any nationality or race.
  • This competition is not open to students residing in Singapore.
  • 本比赛对象为7岁到14岁学生。
  • 每个参赛队伍的成员人数限定1至3人。
  • 本比赛共分为2个组别。请根据组内年龄最大的成员选择报名组别
    少年组:7 - 10岁
    青少年组:11 – 14 岁
  • 每个学生限提交一则视频参赛,也只能出现在一个参赛视频中。
  • 参赛队伍的成员不分国籍与种族。
  • 本次比赛不对新加坡学生开放。

Originality and Copyright of Works 作品原创性与版权

  • Entries should be original, must not be plagiarized, and must not have been published publicly at home or abroad. Copying or mixing other people’s works or other acts that infringe on the copyrights and rights of others. If discovered or reported by others to be true, the contestant(s) will be disqualified from the competition, and the relevant contestant(s) shall bear all legal responsibilities.
  • Contestant videos will not be returned, contestants are requested to keep their own backups.
  • Contestants may retain the right of authorship, and the copyright of the winning works belongs to the organiser, and the organiser has the right to publish the winning works without time or geographical restrictions, and may reproduce, adapt, publish and distribute them in any form and by any means, without additional publishing fees or royalties.
  • Contestants consent to the collection, holding and use of their personal information by the organiser for purposes related to the contest.
  • Contestants who submit their works for this event are deemed to have agreed to accept and comply with all the terms and requirements of this event.
  • If there are any inadequacies in this guideline, the organiser has the right to modify it. The organiser reserves the right to update and publish it on the event webpage at any time without further notice.
  • 参赛作品应为原创作品,不得有抄袭,且必须未曾在国内及国外公开发表。 复制、混剪他人作品或其他侵害他人著作权及权益的行为,一经发现或经他人 检举属实,即取消该作品之参赛资格,且相关参赛者需承担一切法律责任。
  • 参赛视频一律不予退还,参赛者请自留备份。
  • 参赛者可保留署名权,得奖作品之著作权则归主办单位所有,主办单位有权不受时间、地域限制将得奖作品出版,并得以任何形式与方式重制、改编、公布与发行,不另发稿费或版税。
  • 参赛者须同意主办单位收集、持有和使用其个人信息,用以与大赛相关之用途。
  • 参与本活动者,提交作品即视为同意接受且同意遵守本活动所有条款与要求。
  • 若本章程有未尽善处,主办单位有权修改之。主办单位有权随时更新并公布于活动网页,不做另行通知。

Frequently Asked Questions


Terms and Conditions

  1. Marshall Cavendish Education is the Organiser of the MCE x SCCL Global Vlog Competition 2023.
  2. All information shared to us will follow Marshall Cavendish Education's data protection and privacy statements.
  3. Winners will be informed via email or social media messenger depending on the information given.
  4. Winners will be selected by the Organiser's panel of judges and the decision is final.
  5. All submissions for the competition are at the risk of the Contestant and in the event that there are technical difficulties experienced arising out of the internet or from any associated equipment or internet security is compromised, the Organiser may at its sole and absolute discretion disqualify the entire entry and shall not accept any liability doing so.
  6. The prize is as stated and is non-transferable and not-for-sale. No cash alternatives will be offered. If due to circumstances beyond the Organiser’s control, the Organiser is unable to provide the stated prize or any part thereof, the Organiser reserves the right to substitute the prize with an item of equal or greater value, to be determined at the Organisers’ sole discretion.
  7. Late submission will be automatically void.
  8. The registration / competition fee is non-refundable or exchangeable for products or services.
  9. The Organiser reserves the rights to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. 



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